
Well, what exactly is a sleep study?

sleep study

Polysomnography (PSG), another name for a sleep study, is a diagnostic technique that assesses sleep patterns and abnormalities. A sleep study involves an overnight stay in a lab or sleep centre where a variety of physiological data are tracked. Usually, these criteria consist of:

  1. Brain waves (EEG): REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep are distinguished from one another by recording brain activity using electrodes applied to the scalp.
  2. Eye movements: Eye movements, which are crucial for determining REM sleep, are tracked by electrodes or sensors located close to the eyes.
  3. Muscle activity: In order to identify periods of muscle tone variations, which may signify various sleep stages or possible sleep disorders such periodic limb movement disorder, electromyography (EMG) sensors assess muscle activity.
  4. Heart rate and rhythm: Heart activity is monitored all night long using heart rate monitors or electrocardiography (ECG).
  5. Breathing patterns: Breathing patterns are monitored by sensors on the chest and abdomen. These patterns include snoring, shallow breathing (hypopnea), and breathing pauses (apneas), all of which are signs of sleep-related breathing problems such as sleep apnea.
  6. Blood oxygen levels:Blood oxygen levels are measured by a tiny sensor that is applied to the finger or earlobe. This information is useful for diagnosing respiratory problems and illnesses like sleep apnea.
  7. Leg movements: Leg movement is tracked by sensors attached to the legs, which aids in the diagnosis of periodic limb movement disorder and restless legs syndrome.

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Sleep experts can identify different sleep disorders and offer the best course of action for therapy by evaluating the data gathered from the sleep study. Usually carried out at sleep centres or labs, sleep studies are overseen by medical professionals and skilled technologists. While they might not yield as much information as in-lab tests, home sleep studies might be conducted occasionally.

>>Also Know: 12 Sleep Relaxed Tips: Creating Better Nights for Better Days

Monalisha Samal

Monalisha Samal

About Author

I'm Monalisha, I'm on a mission to help you live your healthiest, happiest life. From nutritious recipes to wellness tips, join me as we navigate the path to well-being together. Let's thrive, one healthy choice at a time!!

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